How to Clean Wool Garments?

15 Oct.,2022

Wool is a natural fibre that is both durable and comfortable, with excellent warmth and the ability to wick away moisture and sweat.


Wool is a natural fibre that is both durable and comfortable, with excellent warmth and the ability to wick away moisture and sweat. As the weather gets cooler, it makes it a popular choice for clothing. However, wool garments require special care to retain their shape and quality.

Use these wool care tips to keep the fibres as fresh as the day they were sheared.


woolen sweater

woolen sweater 


Why does wool need special care?


Wool is a protein fibre that contains natural oils. These oils make wool garments water and stain resistant.

However, if not cared for properly, these oils can also cause the fibres to break down over time. In addition, the natural elasticity of wool fibres makes them susceptible to stretching and shrinking. Improper care can also cause wool garments to become distorted.


How to care for wool in the wash?


Always check the product/garment label. The method of washing depends on the type of garment: some can only be hand washed or dry cleaned, while others can be machine washed. When washing and cleaning wool, there are only two things to remember.

1. Wool is antibacterial and to prolong the life of your wool garments, wash only when necessary - it naturally repels dirt and is self-cleaning. Simply hang the wool up for a few hours (preferably outside) and it will regenerate.

2. When washing wool, always use a wool and silk detergent or shampoo. Wool shampoos are pH neutral and do not contain the enzymes found in biological detergents, which break down wool molecules. You can also use mild, natural baby shampoos. Avoid fabric softeners and fabric conditioners.


How to hand wash wool?


When it is time to wash your wool sweater, follow the care instructions for best results. If the label indicates that the fabric is not machine safe, then hand washing may still be acceptable. Dry cleaning is also an option but can be expensive. When hand washing wool, follow these tips for best results.

Spray wool detergent into the sink or basin and fill with warm water.

Turn the garment inside out and submerge it in the water, then shake it to allow the soap to penetrate the fibres. Do not rub the fabric together or soak it for 10-15 minutes.

Rinse the garment twice to remove any soap residue.

Do not wring out the wool. Instead, squeeze or squeeze out as much water as possible. Then roll the garment in a dry towel to remove any excess water.

To avoid stretching, do not hang dry. Instead, lay the woollen item flat on a new towel or net rack and place it in a place out of direct sunlight to dry. Carefully adjust the shape of the garment to ensure it stretches evenly as it dries.

Finally, allow the wool sweater and other items to dry completely before wearing or storing.


How to wash wool in the washing machine?


Some wool items can be machine washed, which is the most convenient option. To keep your wool clothes in good condition, wash them carefully.

Turn your woollen clothes inside out.

Wash on the fine cycle (or wool cycle or hand wash cycle if your washing machine has these settings).

Use cold water and a mild liquid detergent.

Place the clothes in the mesh laundry bag before placing them in the washing machine to prevent them from being damaged by the agitator. When the cycle is complete, remove the clothes from the bag and press out any residual water.

Add an extra rinse to the wash cycle.

To avoid shrinkage, do not put woollen clothes in the tumble dryer. Instead, lay flat to dry using the tips in the hand washing section above.

When ironing wool garments, use the coolest setting and place a thin cloth on top of the garment. Laying flat allows wool garments to retain their shape. Tumble drying can damage them.

If you need to speed up the drying process, use a fan or hairdryer on a lower setting. Never use direct heat when caring for wool.

However, hand washing wool is really the best option to avoid damage. Avoid washing wool clothes too often. Wool is a strong fibre, but over time washing can break down the fibres and cause the garment to become distorted.


How to clean spot wool?


To clean spot wool, first dip a clean cloth in cold water and gently wipe the stained area. If the stain remains, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a bowl.

Dip a clean cloth into the mixture and wipe the stained area with it. Rinse the area with cold water and allow the garment to air dry completely.

Look for stains every time you hand wash your clothes. If you are unable to remove the items, you may need to dry clean them.

When caring for wool, use these tips to make your wool items look as good as new.

Blot up small stains with water and mild soap and spot clean.

Use lint removers and fabric shaving products to remove pilling fabric, lint and pet hair.

Air dry wool jumpers after each wear. This will make them look new before they go into storage.

Do not hang wool on hangers. Instead, fold them and store them in a dresser drawer.

Wash your wool sweaters for the last time at the end of the season.

To keep moths, carpet beetles and silverfish out of the bay, keep woollen garments in sealed plastic boxes for long-term storage. As an additional insect repellent, put in a sachet filled with half a cup of dried lavender.


For more information on wool care, please visit this link.


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